Saturday, October 30, 2021

45yrs old male with Nephrotic syndrome

A 45yr old male presented with B/L pedal edema since 3yrs gradually progressed 
complaints of knee and back ache since 3yrs 
k/c/o DM since 6 yrs on medication 
and HTN since 6 months on medication
past h/o 2 episodes of seziures 1 1/2 yrs ago is 
on medication as prophylactic. 

he was apparently asymptomatic 3yrs ago when  he developed sob which Subsided on medication from a local doctor. 
he had an episode of seizures 1 1/2 yrs ago (involuntary movements were in left UL and LL)
he is on medications (levipil 100mg) since them. 
a similar episode of seizures occurred only once since then. 
he is complainting in facial puffiness and b/l pedal edema(pitting type) since once yr. 
He was admitted in hospital and was diagnosed with Hypertension and a renal biopsy showed features suggestive of Nephrotic syndrome.

Personal history- 
Pt is married and is a welder 
He had mixed diet with normal appetite
Bowel and bladder habits are regular
Used to consume alcohol occasionally
Has a habit of chewing pan amd zarda
Does smoke cigarettes or illicit drugs
No past surgical history

on o/e 
pt c/c/c 
PR 82
BP- 120/80
RR 20
CVS- S1 S2 
PA- Soft non tender 
CNS- conscious
normal speech
cranial nerves, motor, senslry system- NAD 
GCS- 15/15

Pallor and B/L pedal edemal(pitting) present
no icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, koilonychia

provisional diagnosis- Nephrotic syndrome 

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