Saturday, October 30, 2021

54Y/F With fever spikes....

A 54yr old female was bought to causally complaining of fever since 7 days, initially for the first 2day it was intermittent followed by continuous fever since 5days. fever was associated with chills 
generalized body pains along with fever including low back ache 
c/o mouth ulcers from past 3days 
no h/o renal calculus prior to this episode. 
h/o using NSAIDS for body aches since the last 10yrs 
K/c/o HTM since 7yrs on medication(telmesartan 40mg + amlodepine5mg) and DM since 6yrs on medication (voglibose+gliclazide+Metformin)
not a k/c/o TB, BA, Thyroid disorders, CVA 

Personal history- 
She is married and a homemaker
appetite- normal 
mixed diet
Burning micturition
bowel movements are regular 
she does not consume alcohol, cigarettes or illicit drugs

no significant family history

temp- 104.3 F 
pr- 102bpm
BP- 110/80
RR 20
SPO2- 87 @ Room air
GRBS- 286mg%

Pallor present
B/L pedal edema (grade 2)
no icterus, cyanisis, clubbing, lyphadenopathy 
CVS- S1 S2 
PA- abd- obese, Soft non tender 
CNS- conscious
normal speech
cranial nerves, motor, senslry system- NAD 
GCS- 15/15

provisional diagnosis- AKI, urosepsis, old CAD

laboratory investigations- 
Hb- 9.5
TLC- 37000
PLT- 2.88

Hb- 8.9
TLC- 44000
PLT- 2.90

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