Sunday, November 28, 2021

52 yrs old female complaining of giddiness

53yrs old female, homemaker complaints of giddiness since 3 days and abdominal pain since 3days 
In 2010 patient complained of giddiness followed by loss of consciousness and deviation of mouth to right and no seizures
she was taken to a local hospital wjere sje was tld to have high sugars and was admitted in ICU followed by ward and was discharged after 20 days discharged on insulin 
6 months lated she went for regular check up and was told to have high sugars,  was admitted in the ward and was sent with OHA
pt has been on OHAs since then 
pt had giddiness 8 months ago when she was diagnosed with PCA stroke 
c/o headache since 2 months, CT was done in November 2
pt complained of giddiness since 3 days, abdominal pain on and off since 3 days
 pt came to OPD with
 FBS- 415
PLBS- 582
 HBA1C- 8.5
pt was not willing for admission sl patient was asled to shift to insulin from tab glimi m2. BD 
since 3 days, patient has been on inj himan mixtard- 12U----x----5U
no c/o fever, sob, cough, burning micturition.
K/c/o- DM2 on tab glimi m2 bd, on insulin since 3 days 
not a k/c/o htm, cva, ba, tb, epilepsy

personal history-
she is married, 
home maker 
with mixed diet, normal appetite
regular bowel and bladder habits 
she is does not consume alcohol, use cigarettes illicit drugs

No significant family history

no pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lad, pedal edema 
PR- 76
BP- 130/80
RR- 18
SPO2- 98
GRBS- 584

CVS- S1 S2+ 
PA- Distended, soft, nt

Provisional diagnosis- Diabetic Ketosis, DM+ since 10yrs, 
PCA stroke 8 months ago 

treatment given- 
inj avil 2cc iv stat 
inj zofer 8mg iv sos
inj levipil 1 gm iv stat 
inj pan 40 mg iv 
inj HAI 6 unit iv stat followed by 6ml/hr infusion
GRBS charting hourly

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