Sunday, January 2, 2022

57yr old male came to casualty complaining of shortness of breath since 10days, bilateral pedal edema since 6days, generalized itching ji ji since 6days, 

He was alright until 6 months ago when he noticed a small wound in his left leg. It was itchy around the site and he began to scratch the site constantly until it bled a month later. He complained of swelling and pain in his left leg as well due to which he was taken to local hospital. where he was diagnosed to have Thrombus in distal popliteal artery and told that he had Hypertension amd type 2 diabetes mellitus. 
he underwent Left Popliteal artery thrombectomy and his post operative period was uneventful. He took ecospirin and vit k antagonist for 15 days. 
he has been irregular with oral antiglycemics amd has not taken any medication for hypertension since then. 
he was told to have Bronchial asthma 3yrs ago following an episode of difficulty in breathing and used rotahaler he is 
currently he complaints of shortness of breath since 10days, bilateral pedal edema since 6days, generalized itching since 6days
personal history- he is married, has normal diet and appetite, reduced urination frequency and regular bowel habits 
does not have history of any substance abuse 

on examination- 
pt was C/C/C
BP- 150/100
PR- 90
RR- 20
SPO2- 94 % at RA 
CVS S1 S2+
PA- Soft, non tender
CNS- no FND 

Provisional diagnosis- chronic kidney disease with diabetic nephropathy stage 5 (7 ml per minute 1.73 m2) with metabolic acidosis a known case of diabetes since five months

plan of management 
salt restrictions less than 2.4 g per day 
fluid restriction less than 1 litre
 per day tablet lasix 40 mg p.o t.i.d 
tablet nodosis 55 mg
tab orofer XT PO OD 
tab shelcal 500 mg PO OD 
tab nicardia 10 mg PO OD
 injection erythropoietin 4000 IU s/c weekly once 
injection iron sucrose 1 ampule in hundred ml NS during dialysis
Impression from USG Doppler on 13th August 2021:
SOAP notes 
AMC cubicle 
subjective- patient has no fresh complaints objective- patient is c/c/c
BP- 140/80
PR 86bpm
CVS S1 S2 +
respiratory system- B/L creps present 
per abdomen soft and non tender
assessment CKD with diabetic nephropathy
(stage 5)
metabolic acidosis, k/c/o DM2

salt restriction less than 2.54 g per day 
fluid restriction less than 1 litre per day 
tab piptaz 4.5 gm BD
 tab levocetirizine 10 mg PO HS
tablet lasix 40 mg po/did 
tablet nodosis 550 MG PO bd 
tab orofer XT PO OD 
tab shelcal 500 mg PO OD 
tab nicardia 10 mg PO bd
 injection erythropoietin 4000 IU is s/c weekly once
 injection iron sucrose 1 ampule in hundred ml NS during dialysis

SOAP notes 
AMC cubicle 
subjective- patient has no fresh complaints objective- patient is c/c/c
BP- 140/80
PR 86bpm
CVS S1 S2 +
respiratory system- B/L creps present 
per abdomen soft and non tender
assessment CKD with diabetic nephropathy
(stage 5)
metabolic acidosis, k/c/o DM2

salt restriction less than 2.54 g per day 
fluid restriction less than 1 litre per day 
tab piptaz 4.5 gm BD
tab levocetirizine 10 mg PO HS
tablet lasix 40 mg po/did 
tablet nodosis 550 MG PO bd 
tab orofer XT PO OD 
tab shelcal 500 mg PO OD 
tab nicardia 10 mg PO bd
Inj. erythropoietin 4000 IU is s/c weekly once
Inj. iron sucrose 1 ampule in hundred ml NS during dialysis
Syp Aristozyme 

Soap notes 
AMC cubicle 

subjective patient has more fresh complaints
patient is C/C/C 
blood pressure 150/ 90 
PR 100 BPM 
CVS S1 S2 present 
RS BAE present

assessment CKD diabetic nephropathy stage 5 with metabolic acidosis known case of diabetes mellitus since 2 months

 fluid restriction less than 1 litre per day salt restriction less than 2.4 g per day 
tab lasix 40 mg PO bid 
tab nodosis 500 mg PO bid 
tab orofer XT pure OD 
tab shelcal CT 500 mg OD 
tab nicardia 10 mg BD 
injection piptaz 4.5 g IV BD 
injection albumin 20% lv
tab levocetirizine OD HS
 injection erythropoietin 4000 IU sc
Soap notes 
AMC cubicle 

patient has no fresh complaints

patient is C/C/C 
blood pressure 150/ 90 
PR 100 BPM 
CVS S1 S2 present 
RS BAE present

ASSESSMENT CKD diabetic nephropathy stage 5 with metabolic acidosis known case of diabetes mellitus since 2 months

 fluid restriction less than 1 litre per day salt restriction less than 2.4 g per day 
tab lasix 40 mg PO bid 
tab nodosis 500 mg PO bid 
tab orofer XT pure OD 
tab shelcal CT 500 mg OD 
tab nicardia 10 mg BD 
injection piptaz 4.5 g IV BD 
injection albumin 20% lv
tab levocetirizine OD HS
 injection erythropoietin 4000 IU sc
calamite lotion 
candid cream LA
liquid paraffin 

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